IEHP Smart Care App allows IEHP Members to manage their health account online, including changing their primary care doctor, checking their eligibility, updating their contact information, requesting a new Member Card, and checking their referral status, prescriptions, and claims and lab histories. You must be an active IEHP Member to log in to the app.
IEHP的Smart Care应用程序允许IEHP成员可以进行在线管理自己的健康账户,包括改变他们的初级保健医生,检查自己的资格,更新他们的联系信息,在申请新的会员卡,并检查他们的转诊状态,处方和权利要求书和实验室的历史。你必须是一个积极的IEHP会员登录到应用程序。